Patient navigators guide people through the health care system by coordinating appointments, connecting folks to services and resources (such as clinical trials and genetic testing) and much more. To support this vital element of health care, the American Cancer Society awarded $4.2 million in patient navigation grants to 14 health care systems. At the University of Utah’s Huntsman Cancer Institute, the funding will help navigators connect with rural cancer patients in the Mountain West, including Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming, where people are more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage cancer and less likely to have access to standard-of-care treatment.

From left: Huntsman patient navigators Karlie Allen, Nathan Begaye and Liliana Mulato Courtesy of University of Utah/Huntsman Cancer Institute
Boosting Patient Navigation
The American Cancer Society awarded $4.2 million in patient navigation grants to 14 health care systems.