I am nothing if not persistent… and annoyingly focused sometimes. My kids sometimes say, “You are always working… always on your laptop!” And I was — until recently, when it seemed I had lost my way for a bit, as happens sometimes to people…

I was getting bogged down in the budget and debits and credits and not staying true to my vision — my vision to help others and to be someone who can help others with my experiences both through sharing my story via blogging but also through my recently formed nonprofit focusing on education and training around getting back to “normal” after cancer.

To be honest, though, I had hit a wall. I just did not know what to do or how to do it — maybe I was depressed, as I alluded to in my post about “not so super.” I was struggling and now, though I am still up and down with my focus and my plan, I do know one thing — I want to help others and the very experience I have in creating courses, writing and sharing my story can in theory continue to help others in this way.

I am thankful and grateful that I have a bulk of the work behind me but I am also going to work harder on not getting overwhelmed by what is ahead of me. I pledge to not get downhearted on all of the things that are NOT going right and instead focus on what IS going right. I want to continue to build and be focused but also spend time thinking about what I need to do to feed my heart as well as my soul.