As we have shared in recent weeks, Fans for the Cure is dedicated to focusing its energies in the new year on mental health and wellbeing, specifically, how psychological and emotional wellness is affected by a journey with prostate cancer.

We frequently observe first-hand how the treatment regimens – and most notably the life-changing side effects of surgery, radiation, and ADT – present considerable physical and emotional challenges across the spectrum of men journeying with this nuanced and complicated disease.

A significant element of our work in 2023 will see us increase our efforts to demonstrate to the medical community the need to treat the entire prostate cancer patient – and not just his physical disease, symptoms, and side effects. We will work to communicate more clearly and directly with urologists, radiation oncologists, and the other medical professionals treating prostate cancer that men and their families are telling us that they need support and treatment for their mental, psychological, and emotional wellbeing.

We invite you to support our work with a donation today.