14th Global Biomarkers Summit 2018
Theme: Advancements in Biomarkers from Translational Research to Commercialization
150+ delegates from Global Pharma & Bio Pharma Companies. CROs, hospitals, Biotech firms, renowned institutes and Universities are expected to participate at this Biomarker Summit. 30+ case studies, presentations, panel discussions, plenary sessions, Poster Presentations, e-Poster Presentations, Young Researcher Forums will be scheduled to discuss the current trends, issues and novel discoveries in Biomarker Discovery, Biomarker research, clinical applications of Biomarkers, companion diagnostics, personalized medicine, Clinical & Translational Research in Biomarkers etc. To encourage the Young Researchers across the globe, Global Biomarker Congress comes up with the Young Researcher Forum (YRF), Best poster & Oral Presentation Awards and Young Researcher awards.