Life and Breath Rally
Life & Breath (LAB) is a grassroots effort comprised of lung cancer survivors, caregivers, and advocates. We volunteer with various lung cancer organizations but come together as individuals for a common cause:
The Life & Breath Rally
Thursday, April 26, 2018, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, D.C.
Facebook: @lablifeandbreath
Instagram: lifeandbreathrally
Twitter: @LABLifeBreath
Lung Cancer is a National Emergency. We demand an increase in desperately needed research funding. We represent the 433 Americans who die every day because of this disease, the deadliest of all cancers. Our goal is to have enough participants to stage a die-in of 433 people. We need Congress to see what this disease actually looks like.
The Rally will be held in front of the US Capitol Building from 10 a.m. until 12 noon.
Participants are encouraged to bring their own signs, posters, etc., to the Rally, with the understanding that these items may not be brought into or near the Capitol Building. Members of the media will be invited. Speakers will be announced.
As this is an unbranded, grassroots event, participants are free to wear clothing representing their favorite lung cancer organizations, if desired. All organizations and their volunteers are welcome. There will be no fundraising as we are not a nonprofit nor do we represent one. Our goal is to provide a unified presence for the purpose of Lung Cancer advocacy.
Participants are encouraged to make appointments on their own to see their elected U.S. Representative and Senators to occur after 12 p.m. when the Rally is scheduled to conclude. We will provide an informational packet, or participants are free hand out their own organizations’ literature when these visits are made.