Make Your Words Matter: Sharsheret Ambassador Training
Are you interested in sharing your story to help others? Planning on wearing pink or speaking over Pink Day? Are you a Peer Supporter? Want to add your healthcare team members to our database? Know someone who would benefit from being connected to Sharsheret? Join us on Tuesday, February 6th.
This webinar will explore the whys and ways of serving as a Sharsheret ambassador. Speaking on behalf of Sharsheret is just one of the many ways to support someone impacted by cancer, and to support Sharsheret’s mission. Come learn how to get involved in a way that is right for you.
This training is open to all: volunteers, those impacted by cancer, those who carry a genetic mutation, caregivers, and others.
Questions, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with Melissa K. Rosen, Sharsheret’s Director of Training and Education.