Making Strides of Central Park
The American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks raise awareness and funds to save lives from breast cancer. Each event is a noncompetitive 3 to 5 mile walk that brings people together to make a difference for everyone who has been touched by breast cancer. The events raise money to fund innovative research, provide free information and support, and to help people reduce their breast cancer risk or find it early when it’s most treatable.
From the opening ceremony to the post-walk entertainment, a Making Strides event is a celebration of survivors and opportunity to remember loved-ones lost. It’s a day that shouldn’t be missed and won’t be forgotten.
Sign up online for easy check-in the day of the walk. All event participants need to register for the walk. If you do not register online prior to the event, please visit the check-in area upon arrival.
Opening Ceremony
Come together with survivors, caregivers, men and women from all walks of life who are passionate about saving lives from breast cancer. Celebrate your shared efforts. Inspire each other to carry on. And take comfort in the knowledge that because of your dedication, no one walks alone.
Walk Begins
We all walk together, but our event is not a race. Stop whenever you want or need to. You absolutely do not need to complete the entire walk if you are unable. The walk concludes when the final walker crosses the finish line.
Registration: 7:30AM
Rolling Start: 8:00AM-10:00AM