ONE Step Training - Live Online
The American Lung Association’s (ALA) ONE Step program provides Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and organizations serving low-income parents with training and resources on asthma, secondhand smoke (SHS), and electronic smoking devices (ESDs).
There are two components to this program: two-hour virtual training and on-the-job application.
The two-hour virtual training uses health-focused messaging about removing SHS (tobacco and marijuana smoke), asthma triggers, and removing environmental tobacco (including e-cigarettes) from homes and places children go. Folks who complete this 2-hour virtual training, will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to connect with parents/caregivers about the dangers of SHS and how protecting child’s health starts with one simple step.
Additionally, there is an on-the-job implementation component, where participants share information from the ONE Step training with those they work with. The participant determines the best way for information and resource sharing and the ALA staff will help support their activity through incentives and educational materials.