Can Heal. That life-affirming declaration is right there in the title of this magazine: Cancer Health. We aim to empower people living with cancer by providing information, research, resources, community and inspiring real-life stories.

We’re excited to introduce a new column: Can Heal provides a space for cancer survivors to share their advice for getting to the other side of treatment. For our Can Heal debut, we profile Siri Lindley, a champion triathlete, coach, horse rescuer and LGBTQ advocate. After a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia followed by treatment with chemo, radiation and a bone marrow transplant, she is now cancer-free. In her new self-help book, Finding a Way: Taking the Impossible and Making It Possible, she uses her own experiences as examples to teach you how to do exactly that.

Cheryl Law, MD, featured on our cover, also imparts wisdom gleaned from her own life. A family physician in Alabama and mother of three whose breast cancer has spread to her brain, Law shares how she navigates treatment. For her insights, turn here. And for more about breast cancer, go here for details about two recent studies.

Another inspiring thriver is Hank Baskett. After learning that he had Stage IV non-small-cell lung cancer in 2011, he received pivotal support from his son—Hank III, a former NFL player and costar of Kendra on Top—­and Hugh Hefner. Read his Lung Cancer Diary here.

Don’t miss Adam Hayden’s Voices column. Hayden, who is living with brain cancer, offers a liberating lesson about fear. And meet Tinka Duran, an epidemiologist and member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe.

You’ll find much more in our fall issue. A major highlight is our fourth annual Cancer Health 25. This year, we shine a much-deserved spotlight on Champions of Health Equity—individuals who work to ensure we all enjoy fair opportunities to prevent, treat and survive cancer. Thanks to their efforts, more of us can heal.