

Surveys are an important way for the Cancer Health editorial team to assess the knowledge and needs of the community. Cancer Health surveys, like everything else on the site, are covered by the privacy policy ( Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Clinical Trials Survey

Share your experience with clinical trials.

Treating Cancer

Tell us about your experience with cancer treatment.

Extra Care: Take the Cancer Health Survey on Complementary Therapy

Share your experience with complementary therapy with Cancer Health.

Wellness and You

Tell us how you maintain wellness in your life while living with cancer.

How Do You Cope With Cancer?

Take this survey to let us know how you're dealing with cancer.

Reader Survey

Tell us what you think of Cancer Health.

Enjoy Your Life, and Take Our Latest Survey

Has cancer affected the quality of your life?

Are You Prepared?

Do you have an emergency plan?

Reader Survey

Tell us what you think of Cancer Health.

Quality of Life

What issues affect your quality of life?

Cancer in Women

Let us know how you protect yourself from cancer.

Equity in Care

Let us know about your experience with equity in health care.

Healthy Mind Survey

Tell us about your mental health.

Treatment Choices

Tell us about your treatment experience.

The Good Life

How is your quality of life?

Hot topics

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