Why do I do what I do?

I do not know truly — I do know that helping people is super important to me and the main reason why I formed a nonprofit to help other cancer survivors get back to “normal.”

For many years, I taught college and K-12 and saw firsthand how difficult it is for kids today to be college- and career-ready. Then I wound up becoming a cancer patient and meeting many folks way younger than I who are dealing with both cancer AND having to be a student or a young worker and it just boggled my mind with the difficulties facing them.

Many years ago, before cancer (feels like a lifetime ago but was early 2016), I wrote a book on college readiness pulling from my 13+ years as a college professor in the NYC area coupled with my 5+ years as a K-12 teacher and built out my lessons and help into a book. Now, though, knowing what I do about young adult cancer and how a diagnosis derails one’s life, I decided to take my lessons and apply them specifically for the student who has undergone a health crisis.

I designed and published the workbook and am working on the online course component to go with it. I hope to have it all ready to launch before Christmas.

As a new nonprofit, I still struggle with funding and trying to get my head wrapped around how to move forward. I also had a few months of inactivity trying to get myself moving again… Now that I am moving, I am happy to be back in action but also know I need to keep myself in Balance and not get overwhelmed with comparisons and trying to do it all at once. Slow and steady is also a great strategy.

How can I help you get your Balance After Cancer?