Eating a healthy diet protects against the development of many types of cancer, and reduces the risk for diabetes and heart disease (and perhaps even dementia), raising the odds of having a long life. For cancer survivors, healthy eating improves quality of life and may reduce the risk of recurrence and lead to better outcomes. The best long-term eating pattern for survivors is a plant-based diet, meaning one in which the majority of calories derive from plant sources, such as the Mediterranean diet.

Some preliminary research has found that certain dietary patterns work synergistically with specific cancer treatments, such as a high-fiber diet before and during immunotherapy. For other treatments, restrictive diets, such as a high-fat ketogenic diet, as well as intermittent fasting have shown promise. But these studies are all fairly small and not well controlled. Researchers in the new field of precision nutrition are testing dietary prescriptions tailored to the genomic characteristics of tumors in clinical trials.

Improving the way you eat is never easy, and it can be much harder when you’re dealing with cancer and its treatment, especially if you’re experiencing side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, constipation, mouth sores, taste changes or loss of appetite. When you’re experiencing deep fatigue after chemotherapy, the idea of whipping up a fresh, healthy dinner can be less than appealing.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. Supportive professionals can help you manage treatment-related obstacles while moving toward sustainable healthy eating patterns that will help you live your healthiest possible life now and in the future.

In this special report, we’ll cover it all.